Summer Bible School at Trissels!

For children age 4 through grade 8

June 9-13, 2024 (Sunday to Thursday), 6pm-8pm

Thursday evening will start at 5:30pm with a special meal and program

for students and their families prior to the regular Bible School session. 

Plan to join us if you can!

Please register online in advance!

For questions, or to volunteer to help Alternate Grinning Face, send an email to

In the African Savannah, the enormous Baobab tree can grow to 98 feet tall and 36 feet wide. It's a hub of activity, energy, and life — people meet together under it; many different creatures depend on its leaves, trunk, and fruit to live.

Baobab Blast: God's Great Get-Together helps children understand how to build relationships with God, family, and community.