
  • Interim Pastor - David Lehman

    I was born and raised in Pembroke, IL, where my father was pastor of Rehoboth Mennonite Church. My wife Lavonne and I have two children and three grandchildren living in Hesston, KS, and Harrisonburg, VA. Most of my employment has been a mix of carpentry, math teaching and (after seminary) pastoring.

    My earliest memories include times of being aware of God and His love for me; I was baptized as a preteen. During my college years I came to own the Faith. This was brought on by God’s work through His Holy Spirit calling me to deeper trust and a less compromised life. I observed that being brought up in the church has very little substance if not accompanied by a personal and daily commitment to love and follow Jesus.

    Though my particular occupation has varied throughout my adult years, my desire to love God and neighbor and serve in His kingdom has remained constant. Concerning formal ministry, I was ordained in 1993 and have been open to serving in pastoral roles since then in Trinidad with VMMissions and at Gospel Hill and Williamsburg Mennonite churches along with a term as District Minister (Eastern District of VMC.) In those roles God enabled me to be an effective teacher of His Word, an attentive shepherd/caregiver and a helper/builder in practical, hands-on kinds of ways. I’m looking forward to what doors God may open next in His time and in His way.  Contact.

  • Administrative Assistant - Rachel Figgins

    Rachel has attended Trissels Mennonite Church since birth, and became a member of the congregation in 2005. Married, to her husband Colton in 2012, they are the parents of two children, Ella and John. Rachel enjoys spending time with her family, gardening, learning to can, while navigating the new and always changing adventures of parenthood.  Contact.

  • Retired Pastor - Harold Miller

    Harold served as pastor at Trissels from 2009 to the end of 2024. This followed a 30-year pastorate at Community Mennonite Fellowship in Corning, NY. Married to Karen, they are parents of four, and now grandparents too.  Harold enjoys reading, singing, and the challenge of expressing in everyday language the truths of the Bible and the health and wholeness they yield. The congregation appreciates his service and love for our congregation and wishes him the best in his retirement.